JUMP TOIntroductionhelloTESS! API v2.0BasedataArticlesGet a paginated list of ArticlesgetCreate a new ArticlepostGet one ArticlegetModify an existing ArticleputDeletes an existing ArticledeleteArticle groupsGet a paginated list of ArticleGroupsgetCreate a new ArticleGrouppostGet one ArticleGroupgetModify an existing ArticleGroupputDeletes an existing ArticleGroupdeleteTablesGet array with available tablesgetTerminalsGet array with available terminalsgetStoresGet array with available storesgetDynamic articlesGet a paginated list of Dynamic ArticlesgetCreate a new Dynamic ArticlepostGet one Dynamic ArticlegetModify an existing Dynamic ArticleputDeletes an existing Dynamic ArticledeleteGet the weekly menusgetSets or updates the weekly menuspostLayersGet a paginated list of LayersgetCreate a new LayerpostGet one LayergetDeletes an existing LayerdeleteNotesGet a paginated list of NotesgetCreate a new NotepostGet one NotegetModify an existing NoteputDeletes an existing NotedeleteOrderflowsGet a paginated list of OrderflowsgetCreate a new OrderflowpostGet one OrderflowgetModify an existing OrderflowputFinancePayment methodsGet a paginated list of Payment MethodsgetGet one Payment MethodgetDiscountsGet a paginated list of DiscountsgetCreate a new DiscountpostGet one DiscountgetModify an existing DiscountputDeletes an existing DiscountdeleteVoid reasonsGet a paginated list of Void ReasonsgetGet one Void ReasongetPromotionsGet a paginated list of PromotionsgetCreate a new PromotionpostGet one PromotiongetModify an existing PromotionputCurrenciesGet a paginated list of CurrenciesgetGet one CurrencygetModify an existing CurrencyputInvoices/invoicesget/invoices/{id}getExternal Ordering and PaymentsExternal ordersGet one External OrdergetModify an existing ExternalOrderputCancels an existing External Order.deleteThis endpoint returns a paginated list of all available External Orders.getCreate a new External OrderpostOpen tablesThis endpoint returns an array with ordered articles from an open tablegetReservationsThis endpoint returns an array with current table reservationsgetThis endpoint creates a new table reservationpostExternal paymentsThis endpoint applies external payments to articles (by GUID) from an open tablepostExamples / GuidelinesExternal OrdersExternal PaymentsReservationsPush Events through WebhooksWebhooks OverviewArticleInvoicesShift EndedCreating WebhooksInvoicesPush a new invoicepostShift EndPush a new shift endpostArticle bookedpush a new article bookingpostArticle cancelledpush a new article cancellingpostPowered by Push a new invoicepost https://example.com/InvoicesAn event-based push of new Invoices via Webhooks