External Payments


Payment of orders from an open table

Retrieve open orders from open tables endpoint by tableId: GET Open Tables

Response from GET /api/tables/v1/info/{id}

    "articleId": "92e315666ce12a76cf12",
    "orderId": null,
    "numberOfGuests": 2,
    "guid": "f6cfd45e9c85d232c14d", //USE THIS GUID <==
    "articleName": "Wasser 0,75 Still",

Use the GUID(/s) of the articles array from the open tables response to assign an external payment and clear these articles from the table: POST External Payment

POST /api/payments/v1

  "tableId": "2d22cf6640956c2ec85f",
  "terminalId": "b651f145b6babda0c7e6",
  "paymentMethodId": "$OnlinePayment",
  "guestNo": "$All",
  "articles": [



Get notified when a new article is booked to a table by notification webhook: New Article booked notification

Get notified when a new invoice is created by notification webhook: New Invoice created notification